Last week my daughter had her final basketball practice. It was the week after her last game so it was basically one massive girls vs. parents game of horse.
I managed to hit at least half of my shots (including a sick hail Mary two handed chuck from the sidelines) and a backwards one. The coach kept asking me if I had played. I didn't really...I've just shot around. Anyway, it was a reminder that I haven't been this exhausted and big for my whole life.
I'm starting to show interest in losing weight again--no commitment yet, but I'm easing up on it.
I've been home sick and yesterday, I watched a few episodes of the biggest loser--in tears. Meant to write down some pithy inspiring quote but I fell short. I know I need something to flip the switch, to get back to the mindset where I remember to FIGHT.
Downloaded Bellaruth Naperstack's wl journey meditation. I've found that helpful before. Going to go pick out an inspirational outfit for 20 lbs down the road AND figure out a few days of meals from McDougall. I can do this. When I put my mind to something, I can do anything.
I am enough just as I am.
It will be ok.